Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh the pressure

As I travel into the "blogosphere" (look at me with the blog lingo), there is an odd sense of pressure.  Probably all in my head but real to me.  What to write about?  Can I say that and have it be out there connected to me?  How often to post?  Too much posting and people will start to detest what they once found pleasant.  Like that song on your favorite radio station.  You like it a lot in the beginning but they put into the rotation so much that you start to like it a little bit less each time.  Soon, you find yourself almost wrecking your car trying to change the station the minute you hear it.  Christian radio stations seem to do this a lot.  When I first heard Casting Crowns, I liked their music but the station where we were seemed to adopt the "3 other songs then a CC song" theory of radio play.  AAAHHHH!

OK, apparently rabbit trails are going to be a theme here.  My brain has so many rabbit trails it looks like a scene from Watership Down in there.  It also seeps out of my brain into other aspects of my life.  Especially house cleaning.  When I take something into another room to put it away, I end up cleaning in there until I have to take something into another room to put it away.  It's a vicious cycle that has an end result of a bunch a half clean rooms.  You throw in a shiny object in there and it's all over.

I have no clue what I originally intended to blog about today.  I sat down with an idea in my head.  Not sure where it went.  I'm sure it is still in there somewhere.  It will reappear at some point.  It's like my brain is permanently on shuffle and I just have to wait for the idea to start playing again.  I'm sure if I got up and starting cleaning something, it will come back.  Ooh, shiny idea...


  1. oh my, we have the same approach with cleaning.. .no one room is every completely clean, by the time I get back round to the room I started in, the kids have already torn it up again... :) I enjoy your bunny trails... I'm glad you're blogging... so hop on Mrs. Cotton Tail :) hop on...

  2. Love your honesty and sense of humor! At least you're motivated to begin cleaning. I just need to find the motivation - maybe I need a shiny object first!
