Friday, March 2, 2012

It's a different world...

Had a "out of military bubble" experience recently.  You know that moment when you are reminded that not everyone lives the kind of life you do as a military spouse.  Sometimes, I forget that because most of my friends are living in the bubble with me.  I've had a few of these moments over the 16 1/2 years we've been in the military.  (Yes, I know it's Chris who is "in" the army but I can assure you it's really a "we" thing).  Just thought I'd blog about these moments to see if it's just me.

The most recent moment was in our first meeting with our small group for our church here in Columbia, SC.  We were doing the "getting to know you" thing and everyone pulled a question out of a basket to answer.  Chris pulls out his question and starts laughing.  My first thought was "Is this something we will be able to share out loud?"  We have so many inside jokes that sometimes, it's really not a share out loud kind of moment.  Chris offers to answer his question first.  "Have you ever been to a foreign country?  What was your favorite part and your least favorite part?"  Chris and I are laughing together now but no one else seems to get it.  So he answers that he has been to a foreign country or two and his favorite part was living in Germany and traveling.  His least favorite part about going to a foreign country?  Being shot at in Afghanistan.  We both laughed again and it was at this point that I realized we were the only ones laughing.  Not that we take him being shot at lightly of course but it is part of our life.

Have you ever had one of those "we live in a different world" moments?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year Resolutions

In true Christina fashion, my "New Year's" post is a little late.  It's not as late as my Christmas cards though!  Those are about 7 years behind.  I actually have 2 sets of cards that I purchased but never wrote on.  I even had one set of cards that I wrote on and addressed but never mailed.  I keep thinking "This is the year I will mail Christmas cards".  Sometimes I even get the notion that I will include a family letter.  You know, the letter where I tell you all the wonderful and amazing things we did so you may ooh and aah appropriately.  Or, what the heck, you can ooh and aah inappropriately.  (Not sure what that would even sound like...)

2012.  I must admit, 2011 has been hard for our family so I was ready to see 2012 get here.  Not that a calendar change would automatically make all things better but there is something reassuring about saying "Last year, we went through...".  Not sure why that is easier.  We are still facing some of the same things but it seems like we have a bit of a new start to it now.  Tackling it with fresh perspective.  Or maybe I'm just feeling optimistic today.

New Year's Resolutions.  I've never been a big follower of this tradition.  Not sure why but it just never clicked with me.  It seems a lot of people have grand schemes that fall flat before the they ever get off the ground.  Good intentions but no follow through.  (I'm counting myself among the "lot of people".)  I think instead I will face each challenge one by one.  Some changes are small and some are bigger but can be broken down into manageable pieces.  I am now thinking that improving my spelling skills should be on this list.  It took me 4 tries to type manageable correctly.

I'm not going to start listing all of the ideas in my head but I'll start with one or two.  I have already accomplished two goals recently.  One, I actually posted to my blog.  I kept saying I would but then it would be a month since my last post and I would feel pressured to come up with something amazing to say to justify the long delay.  Not that I think anyone is losing sleep over the delay.  Occupying their day staring longingly at my page waiting for a new posting.  Second small goal, I managed to watch an entire episode of Biggest Loser without snacking.  Why does this show lead me to snack?  You'd think it would lead me to the elliptical but no.   I've heard three other people talk about this recently so I know I'm not alone.

See, my goals are not lofty.  They are relatively easy (although I was tempted by some leftover Christmas candy last night watching Loser).  Perhaps instead of long term goals I should think one day at a time.  Today, I have to go the commissary.  This is not my favorite thing to do especially with the monkeys along for the adventure.  So, today's goal is to approach the commissary with a better attitude.  Not muttering under my breath when someone blocks the entire aisle.  Not thinking they should have a driving class requirement to use the electric scooters.  Not sighing when another "vertically challenged" person asks me to get something off the top shelf.  (Seriously, I don't mind doing this but why is it not OK for me to ask a shorter person to get something off the bottom shelf?  I haven't tried it but I'm sure the response would not be favorable!)  Not scanning the freezer section for a space large enough to put a 9 year old in.  Or a 10 year old.  Or maybe both.  Not wringing my hands at the urge to shove the bagger out of the way and say "Good grief, I'll do it myself" when they take my carefully separated groceries and place one frozen item in every bag.

Hmm, perhaps my attitude towards the commissary is worse than I thought.  In an effort to break this into more manageable pieces (whoo-hoo, got manageable right on the first try!), today I will attempt to go to the commissary and return with my groceries and my children.  OK, maybe I could try a little harder than that...